Things I Need to Learn
I have made it over a quarter of the century, but the reality is that I have not made it that far. I might have done some things in my life that are worth looking back on, but not all of them have been great. I have made accomplishments as well as mistakes, which I continually learn from each day. I am glad that I am able to pick up the pieces as frequent as the fall apart, even when it seems that there is no more strengh inside of me to do it all over again.
Even though these are things that one should have learned by now, not all of us truly know them and not all of them are truly accomplished by individuals in a daily fashion. These are the things that I still need to learn:
- Everything is too good to be true.
- Always be skeptical.
- Don’t believe it until you see it.
- Don’t ever talk to anyone about it.
- Don’t ever get excited.
- Mind your own business.
- Don’t speak unless spoken to.
- Don’t be a know it all.
- Don’t one up in a conversation.
- Think before speaking.
- Take your time in any situation/conversation instead of rushing to always be right.
- Don’t pretend to know stuff because you actually don’t know shit.
- Quit pretending to be someone you are not.
- Be true to yourself and always express the truth.
- Take time to learn something from people. They are just trying to help you as much as you are trying to help them.
- Grow the fuck up.
- Know that you are not special.
- You can only make your own destiny if you have an actual foundation to build it upon.
- Mean what you say and say what you mean.
- Take time to smile and enjoy life. It will only benefit you in the end.
- Relax, have fun, and don’t take everything too seriously.